TÜV HELLAS is a certification and inspection body, 100% subsidiary of the German TÜV NORD Group. It has been active in Greece since 1987, providing Third Party Inspection-Certification services, for all types of enterprises, in both the private and public sector, in the fields of Technology, Quality, Security, Energy, and the Environment... Read more
CSI is a multipurpose Certification and Behavioral Analysis Center operating in the field of company services in an international context, with a wide offer diversified in terms of technology and sectors.Founded in the early '60s, CIS is a subsidiary of IMQ Group (Italian Institute for the Quality Mark), and this enables to create unique synergies within the Italian and international system... Read more
Applus+ is one of the world's leading Testing, Inspection and Certification companies. Provides solutions for clients in all types of sectors, to ensure that their assets and products comply with environmental, quality, health and safety standards and regulations. Applus+ Laboratories (LGAI Technological Center S.A.) specialises in developing technical solutions to enhance product competitiveness and foster innovation... Read more
The Spanish Association for the Promotion of Research and Fire Safety Technology "AFITI" was established as a nonprofit association under Law 191/1964, through a founding act of 27th March, 1987 and declared of Public Interest by the Council of Ministers, on 27th January, 1995...Read more
The European Association for Panels and Profiles is the “ambassador” of the manufacturers of metal profiled sheets, sandwich panels and ancillary products on the European level, representing them in all political, regulatory, technical committees or any other initiatives which are relevant for realizing a harmonized and free market in Europe... Read more
iPHA is a global network of Passive House stakeholders including architects, planners, scientists, suppliers, manufacturers, contractors and property developers. It works to promote the Passive House Standard and foster a greater public understanding of its significance. Encouraging the exchange of Passive House knowledge, iPHA communicates with the media, the general public and the entire range of construction professionals... Read more
The GREEK INSTITUTE OF PASSIVE HOUSE (E.I.PA.K.) was founded on March 29, 2012 in Athens. It is a non-profit organization. Scientists of Engineering, Law and Communication, in collaboration with the International Passive House Association and the Institute of Passive House, decided to join forces and promote in Greece and in the wider region the Eastern Mediterranean, the model of Passive House... Read more
The Hellenic Institute for the Fire Protection of Structures (ELIPYKA - Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Πυροπροστασίας Κατασκευών ΕΛΙΠΥΚΑ) promotes fire protection specifications and standards in Greece, participates in public consultations on the drafting of laws for the establishment of fire protection specifications and monitoring mechanisms... Read more
The Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation is the only legally qualified institution for the protection of inventions and industrial designs. It also provides technological information from worldwide patent databases...Read more
The European Patent Organisation is an intergovernmental organisation that was set up on 7 October 1977 on the basis of the European Patent Convention (EPC) signed in Munich in 1973. The preamble to the Convention defines the spirit of international co-operation under which the Organisation was set up...Read more
The foundation of the Hellenic Recovery Recycling Corporation (HERRCO) in December of 2001 was the result of an initiative taken among Greek companies active in packaging production and the trading of packaged goods, aiming to meet more effectively their legal obligation for the recycling of packaging waste deriving from their products through the self-administration of their funds, within the framework of the National and European legislation...Read more
The HellenicRecyclingAgency(HRA) is the competent authority of theMinistry of Environment & Energyfor the design and implementation of recycling policy in Greece. It is responsible for approving national alternative management systems for each product and for controlling the progress of recycling within the Hellenic territory... Read more